Volunteer Clearance

Please return any necessary paperwork to our librarian, Karolyn Fisher.

Who is required to obtain clearance?

All front desk volunteers, the librarian, story hour staff, and board members are required to obtain clearance. A volunteer is defined as an adult in an unpaid voluntary position[...]who has direct contact with children. Direct contact shall mean[...]routine interaction with children.

What are the required clearances? (Volunteers can request these reports at no cost.)

When do I need to request clearance?

All new volunteers must obtain clearances before working at the library.

Do I need to renew my clearance?

Yes, all clearances must be renewed every 60 months.

What do you do with my clearance information? How do I know my personal information is safe?

The Newtown Library Board of Directors maintains a secure database of volunteers’ clearance data. Only the board can access this information.

I have more questions. Who do I contact?

For more information, please contact the librarian, Karolyn Fisher, during open hours.